How to undo a closed window
How to undo a closed window

how to undo a closed window

To access Settings, click the system tray icon. If the pre-defined hotkeys come in conflict with other global hotkeys, you can change them from Settings. It then helps you restore them using the hotkeys. UndoClose sits in the system tray after being launched and silently starts monitoring all folders and applications that are closed. The hotkeys can be used multiple times. For example, if you close VLC Player, Notepad and iTunes, press Ctrl+Shift+A hotkey three times to launch VLC Player, Notepad and iTunes again.

how to undo a closed window

UndoClose supports two hotkey combinations  Ctrl+Shift+F and Ctrl+Shift+A, to open last closed folder (in Windows Explorer ) and application, respectively. In short, it enables you to open the last closed folder(s) and application(s) just like the way Firefox, Google Chrome and other browsers let you open the recently closed tab(s). Today, AddictiveTips brings you UndoClose – a free program that remembers all recently closed folders and applications, so that you can restore them in the same sequence in which they were closed using two hotkeys. In contrast to browsers, Windows 7 manages folders and application windows differently despite storing recently opened programs and items in Start Menu, it doesn’t support bringing them up again using a hotkey.

how to undo a closed window

It certainly saves the time one would’ve spent sifting through browsing history to find and open closed tabs. I just got to similar problem and Joe White's solution seems to me simple and clean.One of the most useful tab-management features of modern browsers is opening recently closed tabs using the Ctrl+Shift+T hotkey. If you don't want to allow the window to close before the background thread is done, then you could also override OnClosing and set Cancel to true, as Gabe suggested. The user can still close the window! If the user presses Alt+ F4, or closes the app via the taskbar, the window will still close. Important note: all this does is hide the button. You also won't have a window icon on the left side of the title bar, which means no system menu, even when you right-click the title bar - they all go together. SetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(hwnd, GWL_STYLE) & ~WS_SYSMENU) Īnd there you go: no more Close button. Then put this code in the Window's Loaded event: var hwnd = new WindowInteropHelper(this).Handle Private static extern int SetWindowLong(IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex, int dwNewLong) Private static extern int GetWindowLong(IntPtr hWnd, int nIndex) WPF doesn't have a built-in property to hide the title bar's Close button, but you can do it with a few lines of P/Invoke.įirst, add these declarations to your Window class: private const int GWL_STYLE = -16

How to undo a closed window